Tuesday 25 November 2014

Latest web developing technology empowering online business

In this era of fast-paced information age, it has become essential for every business to have an online presence to save its existence in the market. An effective website is something which can help businesses survives through the ever-growing competition. There are many technologies available that help you create an outstanding business website, jQuery is one of them. Let's discuss what is jQuery is all about and how can it be beneficial for your website?

What is jQuery?

JQuery is basically a cross-platform JavaScript, which is designed to simplify HTML document traversing, animating, event handling and Ajax interactions and ensure rapid web development. It makes developers accomplish complex tasks with JavaScript easily and lesser time. Here are the benefits of deploying jQuery while developing a website.

Cross browser compatibility is the biggest advantage of using jQuery while developing a website. In other words, the website can be browsed in every type of browser, i.e, opera, Mozilla 7, and others.

Being lightweight and fast, jQuery makes it easy to add plug-in in the website without compromising on its performance. 

jQuery makes it easy to add animations like fade-in/out, expand/contract on any element of the website.

This web development technology makes DOM transversal manipulation like adding or removing new elements, traversing across elements easy. 

These are the benefits that you can enjoy, if you get your website developed with jQuery. 

Martand Technologies, a full-fledged web-solution company, offers quality services as to web development in Delhi. The company emphasizes on using latest development technologies like jQuery and others, to come up with the appropriate solutions. We have web developers expert India, who are well-versed with the techniques of jQuery and other technologies, and deliver focused services.

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